Preventing vision loss from the chronic progressive diseases of aging

SAPRA™ is the first-of-its-kind device designed to apply modern retinal laser therapy to treat chronic progressive retinopathies, the ocular neurodegenerations of aging.

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Preventing vision loss from the chronic progressive diseases of aging

SAPRA™ is the first-of-its-kind device designed to apply modern retinal laser therapy to prevent and treat chronic progressive retinopathies, the ocular neurodegenerations of aging.

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The world is aging.

The diseases and disabilities that increasingly plague people around the world are the chronic progressive diseases of aging, and aging itself. Neurodegenerative diseases have now become the most important causes of age-related disease and disability.

The most common causes of irreversible vision loss worldwide are thus not surprisingly ocular neurodegenerations. These include age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, open angle glaucoma, and inherited diseases.

Visual loss and disability from these diseases is a massive public health burden.

Safe and effective treatment is available to prevent progression and visual loss from these chronic ocular neurodegenerations affecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide. This treatment is called “SDM™ Vision Protection Therapy™”.

However, a new, revolutionary approach to treatment delivery is required to meet the vast need and the special demands of long-term preventive care. SAPRA™ is designed to meet that need.

What is SDM™ Vision Protection Therapy™?

SDM™ stands for “low-intensity / high-density subthreshold diode microsecond pulse laser”.  

SDM™ established and epitomizes the concepts of Modern Retinal Laser Therapy: safe, highly effective, and infinitely repeatable.

“Vision Protection Therapy™” (VPT) describes a patented maintenance program of regular periodic SDM™ designed to maintain maximum treatment benefits over many years and even the lifetime of the patients to slow and even reverse progression of the most common and important causes of irreversible vision loss, the ocular neurodegenerations.

SDM™ Vision Protection Therapy™ is the first ophthalmic treatment safe and effective enough for long-term preventive treatment.

Why is this important? Prevention is the most effective therapy. It is easier to prevent vision loss than to restore vision once lost. These are the commonsense principles that underlie Vision Protection Therapy™.

What does SAPRA™ do?

SAPRA™ is the perfected SDM™ Vision Protection Therapy™ applicator. SAPRA™ is the first device expressly designed to apply SDM™ Vision Protection Therapy™. SAPRA™ is to traditional retinal laser treatment as AI is to Netscape. This allows SAPRA™ to deliver SDM™ with speed, comfort, safety, and efficacy for treatment and prevention for product-indicated major causes of irreversible visual loss.

Why is safe, fast, comfortable, painless, no-touch, no side-effect treatment important? If it isn’t, people won’t do it. If they don’t do it, and keep it up, it won’t help. Safe, comfortable, painless, no-touch, and no side-effect treatment is not just desirable. For effective prevention, it is essential.

Our Science

Who can benefit from SAPRA™?

SAPRA™ is for the hundreds of millions of people worldwide at risk for irreversible vision loss and visual disability caused by the clinical conditions indicated for SAPRA™.  The clinical literature suggest that these conditions may be prevented by lifetime treatment with SDM™ Vision Protection Therapy™. Additional studies will be pursued to expand the indications for SAPRA™.

Who is Retinal Protection Sciences?

Founded by Jeffrey K Luttrull, MD, the mission of RPS is to prevent the most common causes of irreversible vision loss worldwide.

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